

1.完全适用英语一的专业 一切学术硕士悉数适用(十三大类别,110个一级学科)9类(法令硕士含法学专业与不合法学专业)专业硕士适用:临床医学(1051)、口腔医学(1052)、公共清洁(1053)、维护(1054)、法令硕士(不合法学专业)(035101)、法令硕士(法学专业)(035102)、汉语世界教育(0453)、建筑学(0851)、城市方案(0853)2.完全适用英语二的专业 7类专业硕士适用:工商打点(1251)、公共打点(1252)、会计(1253)、旅行打点(1254)、

图书情报(1255)、工程打点(1256)、审计(0257)3.选用英语一或英语二的专业 金融(0251)、使用计算(0252)、税务(0253)、世界商务(0254)、稳妥(0255)、资产评价(0256)、社会作业(0352)、警务(0353)、教育(0451)、新闻与传达(0552)、出书(0553)、艺术(1351)、工程(0852)、农业推广(0951)、兽医(0952)、风光园林(0953)、林业(0954)、军事(1151)、体育(0452)、使用心思(0454)、文物与博物馆(0651)、药学(1055)、中药学(1056)尽管英语一和英语二没有特别大的差异,只是英语一略微要难一点。本次带来考研英语的押题,如下!
as is vividly shown in the cartoon, for college students, choosing what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision, to say the least. for the vast majority of students, the choice is among finding a job, pursuing postgraduate studies, going abroad, and starting one’s own business. below the drawing, there is a caption which says: “choice”. when making this decision, students should consider a variety of factors, including their personal preferences, financial status and career plans. the first factor that they should consider is their own personal preferences. some students may have entrepreneurial ambitions and dreams of running their own business. the second factor that undergraduate students should consider is their financial situation. some students can afford the tuition fees of postgraduate studies or studying overseas, while for others the expense would be too heavy a financial strain. the final factor that students should take into account is their intended career. students who make the wrong choice could be faced with gloomy career prospects, or end up wasting their time and money. when it comes to the decision by university graduates of their next step in life, there is no one right or wrong choice. instead, each student must make his or her own decision. with due consideration of personal preferences, financial status and career goals, students can improve their chances of making an optimal choice. (228 words)

之后做啥是一个困难的抉择。大大都学生都在求职、考研、出国和创业之间做选择。在漫画下面, 有个小标题写着:“选择”。 在做抉择的时分,学生大约思考许多要素,包括自个偏好、经济情况及作业方案。大学生要思考的第一个要素就是自个的自个偏好。有些学生立志变成公司家,愿望具有自个的公司。大学生要思考的第二个要素就是经济条件。有些学生可以担负考研或出国的学费,而对有些人来说这些费用是一个沉重的经济担负。大学生要思考的最终一个要素就是自个的作业生计方案。差错的抉择会让学生面临绝望的作业前景,或是浪费自个的时刻和金钱。 关于大学生对人生下一步的抉择计划,他们的选择没有对错之说。相反,每个学生都有必要自个做抉择。合理地思考自个偏好、经济情况及作业方针,大学生就更有可以做出最优的选择。
dear professor smith, i am looking forward to my traveling to the united states and visiting you in harvard university. unfortunately, i have recently been diagnosed with a serious ear infection which will require surgery on the same day as my departure. i am sorry to say that i will therefore not be able to make the travel plan. if possible, i would like to postpone the travel plan to another day later in this year. i promise that such a situation does not usually happen, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. please excuse me for not being able to inform you of my situation sooner. your prompt attention to my suggestion would be highly appreciated. yours sincerely, li ming
尊敬的史密斯教授: 我等待着去美国旅行并去哈佛大学造访您。 意外的是,迩来我被确诊出患上了一种严峻的耳部感染疾病,需要在启航当天进行手术。因而,很抱愧我将不能持续旅行方案。假定可以的话,我期望将旅行方案推迟至本年的其他时刻。我保证类似情况绝非常常发生,由此可以给您构成的任何不便利,我深表抱愧。 请宽恕我没能提前告诉您我的景象。期望您能及时重视我的主张。我将不堪感谢。 您真挚的, 李明




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