
本周好评揭露课盘点!挑你学得费劲的听,一…来自 考研萌酱…

??考研英语试题长难句分析(22)? ?

such actions to seek knowledge and to und

erstand what information we already knew were captured by the latin phrase’sapere aude’or ‘dare to know’.

语句骨干:?such actions were captured by the latin phrase’sapere aude’or ‘dare to know’. (主+谓+宾,被逼语态)

润饰成分:to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew是and并排的两个to do 短语作后置定语,润饰actions,其间what information we already knew是动词后边的宾语从句。

翻译:这些探究常识而且了解已知信息的行为可以用拉丁文“sapere aude”或英文“dare to know(勇于求知)”描绘。?????



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