

  关于mpacc考研英语, 相继为mpacc备考生们推出了英语阅览了解操练、英译汉专项操练、词汇词组自测等有关试题。五一小长假归来, 持续向考生们推出mpacc英语基础词汇自测习题及具体解析。
  1.louis was asked to ____ the man who stole her purse.
  a) identify b) recognize c) claim d) confirm
  答案:a identify 认出(身份、物件等),证明是(谁的),阐明(其身份) :she identified him as her attacker. recognize 认清,认出,知道到;招认。claim 说是自个的,认领(失物) ;需求得到,需求给予:both teams claimed a victory. confirm证明,必定,加强,定(崇奉) 。
  2.much of the equipment was lying _______ because of a lack of spare parts.
  a) helpless b) vacant c) idle d) lonely
  答案:c idle 闲着的,不干事的,闲搁着的。helpless处于毫无办法的境地,各样无法的。vacant 空的,无人占用的;空缺(职位)的。lonely 孤寂的,孑立的;荒芜的,(当地)无人居住的。
  3.when people become unemployed, it is____ which is often worse than lack of wages.
  a) laziness b) poverty c) idleness d) inability
  答案:c 后半句意思为:悠闲比没有薪酬还叫人受不了。laziness 懒散(揩人本质的,并非迫于环境) ,poverty 贫穷,inability 没有才能,均不合题意。
  4.excuse me if your call’s not too urgent, do you mind____ mine first?
  a) i make b) if i make c) me to make d) that i make
  答案:b 在mind后边不接动词不定式宾语或复合宾语,能接名词/动名词/if ( whether) + 宾语从句。
  5.he was driving very fast because he was ____ of the fact that there was a speed limit.
  a) inn

ocent b) aware c) ignorant d)sure
  答案:c 他车开得很快,因为他不晓得有限速。innocent 皎白的;单纯的。be innocent of a crime 无罪; an innocent child 单纯的孩子。innocent 与ignorant 都有“无知的”的意思。innocent 指因为短少脑筋而“无知,单纯”;ignorant 指对某种情况“不晓得,不晓得”。aware 知道到的。sure 断定的。



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