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美国《科学新闻》杂志(Science News)介绍
  美国《科学新闻》杂志(Science News)由非营利机构美国科学与公众协会(The Society for Science & the Public)出版,出版地为华盛顿特区。《科学新闻》杂志(Science News)为双周刊
  《科学新闻》杂志已有 94 年的历史,一直致力于为公众提供值得信赖的科学信息。1922 年,报纸出版人爱德华·W. 斯克里普斯(Edward W. Scripps)创办了《科学新闻》杂志,最初名为Science News-letter,这是美国第一份旨在为公众提供客观严谨的科学新闻的出版物。如今,《科学新闻》杂志的使命依然没有改变,始终以“传播育人”为己任,继续将各个科学领域的重要发现传递给公众。

科学新闻Science News2022年12月17-31日 周刊电子版PDF

  ● 由美国杂志Folio 主办的“埃迪和奥兹奖”(2013,2014, 2015)
  ● 华盛顿科学作家协会“新闻摘要奖”(2012,2013,2014,2015)
  ● 威比奖 (2014)
  ● 美国物理联合会“科学传播奖”(2013,2014, 2015)
  ● 美国环境记者协会“ 戴维·施托尔贝格功勋奖 ”(2012)
  ● 美国气象学会“大气及相关科学杰出新闻奖”(2009,2013)
  ● 科维理 / 美国科学发展协会“儿童科学新闻奖” (2009)

Feeling the weight of long COVID


This year, the world had to face the growing burden of long COVID. A tidal wave of people with lingering symptoms — some mild, some profoundly disabling — commanded attention。

“We are in the middle of a mass disabling event,” physician Talya Fleming of the JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison, N.J., told Science News (SN: 11/5/22, p. 22). A

recent estimate suggests that over 18 million people in the United States have long COVID. Yet researchers know little about the disease and how to treat those who are suffering. One key question is: Who is at risk? The search for risk factors has yielded few clear answers. Women may be slightly more likely than men to get long COVID, as are people who had more than five symptoms during their initial week of

COVID-19 (SN: 10/8/22 & 10/22/22, p. 18).

Part of what confounds simple answers is that long COVID can hit multiple body systems, leading to fatigue, smell loss, memory trouble, blood clots and even sensations of internal tremors that feel like earthquakes (SN: 9/24/22, p. 14).






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