

??you see pepsi, i see coke: new tricks for product placement

你看百事,我看可口可乐: 植入式广告的新技巧


[1] first came product placement. in exchange for a payment, whether in cash, supplies or services, a tv show or a film would prominently display a brand-name product. then there was virtual product placement. products or logos would be inserted into a show during editing, thanks to computer-generated imagery. now, with the rise of netlix and other streaming platforms, the practice of working brands into films is likely to get more sophisticated.?首要是植入式广告。作为酬劳的交流,不管是现金、物资仍是效能,一个电视节目或影片都会在显眼的当地展示一个品牌产品。然后是虚拟植入式广告。得益于电脑生成的图像,产品或标识可以在编列进程中刺进到节目中。如今,跟着netlix和其他流媒体平台的鼓起,将品牌融入影片的做法可以会变得愈加凌乱。

词汇:product placement 广告植入 ? in exchange for 为了……而交流 ? prominently 显着地

virtual 虚拟的(网络上的) insert 刺进 ? computer-generated imagery 电脑生成的图像

streaming platform 流媒体平台 ? sophisticated 高档的,凌乱的,赋有经历的

[2] in the near future, according to marketing executives who have had talks with streaming companies, the products that appear on screen may depend on who is watching. in other words, a viewer known to be a whiskey drinker could see a billboard for a liquor brand in the background of a scene, while a teetotaller watching the same scene might see a billboard for a fizzy water company. streaming services could also drop in brand-name products based on when a show is being watched. someone who watches a streaming show in the morning could see a carton of orange juice within a character’s reach, while a different viewer watching the same thing in the afternoon could see a can of soda. it could start within a year, said mr stephan beringer, chief executive of mirriad, a virtual product placement company that has worked brands, including pepsi, geico and sherwin-williams, into abc’s modern family, cbs’ how i met your mother and univision programme el dragon. 据与流媒体公司洽谈过的推广高管称,在不久的将来,屏幕上呈现的产品可以取决于观看者是谁。换句?担桓龊韧考傻墓壑诳梢曰嵩谝桓龀【暗牟季爸锌吹揭桓鼍评嗥放频墓愀媾疲桓鼋浦饕逭咴诳聪嗤某【笆笨梢曰峥吹揭桓銎菟镜墓愀媾啤A髅教逍芑箍梢愿莨劭唇谝馔际笨汤刺砑悠放撇贰T谠缟瞎劭戳髅教褰谝馔既丝梢钥吹揭缓谐戎扇宋绻劭赐唤谝馔疾灰谎壑诳梢钥吹揭还匏盏跛P槟庵补愀婀緈irriad的首席实施官斯蒂芬?贝林格标明,它可以在一年内建议。该公司已将百事、geico和sherwin-williams等品牌归入美国播送公司的《摩登家庭》、哥伦比亚播送公司的《老爸老妈浪漫史》和univision的《el dragon》节目。

词汇:marketing executive 推广高管 ? billboard 广告牌 ? teetotaller 禁酒者

fizzy water 气泡水 ? drop in 添加,参加(一般是有选择性的) carton 纸盒 ? can 罐头

句型:it could start within a year, said mr stephan beringer, chief executive of mirriad, a virtual product placement company that has worked brands, including pepsi, geico and sherwin-williams, into abc’s modern family, cbs’ how i met your mother and univision programme el dragon. 本句的中心骨干是it could start within a year … ,其间it指代的是后边说到的有关电视节目广告植入的作业


[3] streaming services are more likely than traditional tv companies to pull off this specially targeted version of product placement because they have direct access to far more information on their customers. with every click of the remote, viewers tell the services something about themselves, information that can be used to determine which products might appeal to them. this supercharged version of digital product placement is being developed at a time when the marketing business – which bet big on tv commercials for decades – needs new tricks to grab the attention of ad-hating cord-cutters. mr beringer said the current digital product placement technology has been successful enough to suggest that a bespoke version is a logical next step. “viewers have been educated to look away from advertising,”?he said. “but we’re putting something in that contextually makes sense. if you do it well, and it’s not annoying, it can work.”?与传统电视公司比较,流媒体效能更有可以完成这种关于性的植入式广告,因为它们可以直接获取客户更多的信息。每次点击遥控器,阅读者都会告诉这些效能一些关于他们自个的信息,这些信息可以用来断定哪些产品可以会招引他们。当推广作业——几十年来在电视广告上押下了大赌注——需要新的技巧来招引那些厌烦广告的人的留心时,这种数字产品植入的强化版正在开发之中。贝林格标明,当前的数字植入式广告技能现已非常红功,因而,定制植入式广告是水到渠成的下一步。他说:“观众遭到的教育让他们不再重视广告。”“但咱们在语境中放入了一些有意义的东西。假定你做得好,而且不惹人烦,那就会有作用。”

词汇:pull off 尽力完成 ? supercharged 特别有用的,这儿是想说这样的广告植入很有关于性

cord-cutter 这儿指不看广告的人(cord的意思是电线,后边加了cut,标明拔掉电源)

bespoke 定制的

句型:with every click of the remote, viewers tell the services something about themselves, information that can be used to determine which products might appeal to them. 本句的骨干是viewers tell the services something about themselves,其他有些是with规划作状语以及同位语,其间同位语有些包括that和which引导的定语从句

[4] through digital video services like hulu and youtube, companies are already able to target viewers based on information about their ages, their locations, where they like to shop and other details. some of the data is collected by the platforms themselves, others by outside data companies. and now streaming services are mulling over how to make use of that information to create tailored product placements. “just like there’s no reason that all viewers of a programme need to see the same advertisement, there’s no reason they all need to see the same brand integration or crossover campaign,” said emory university marketing professor david schweidel.?经过hulu和youtube等数字视频效能,公司现已可以根据用户的年纪、地址、购物地址和其他细节信息来断定用户。一些数据是由平台自个搜集的,另一些是由外部数据公司搜集的。如今,流媒体效能正在思考如何使用这些信息来打造定制的产品植入。埃默里大学商场推广学教授大卫?施韦德尔标明:“就像没有理由让一切的观众都看到同一个广告相同,他们也没有理由看到相同的品牌联系或跨界运动。”

词汇:target 对准(某集体)? mull over 细心思考 ? tailored 定制的 ?? integration 集结,组成

crossover 穿插,跨界

句型:just like there’s no reason that all viewers of a programme need to see the same advertisement, there’s no reason they all need to see the same brand integration or crossover campaign. 本句的规划是just like引导的方法状语从句 + 骨干,其间从句和骨干的中心句型都是there be句型,there’s no reason that … 标明做某事没有理由

[5] streaming platforms are trying out other advertising innovations, too. hulu, a platform controlled by the walt disney company, has ads that appear when a viewer hits the pause button. last week, it rolled out specialised ads for people who are bingeing on three or more episodes of a show, with commercials for kellogg’s, maker’s mark and georgia-pacific. this year, walmart-owned streaming service vudu enabled so-called shoppable ads on internet-connected televisions. with a click of the remote on the words “add to cart”, customers are able to drop an advertised product into their walmart.com queue. on the roku channel, a streaming channel on the company’s digital media player, viewers can click on certain commercials to request an e-mail or text with details about the product on display.?流媒体平台也在测验其他广告立异。由华特迪士尼公司控制的hulu平台,当观众点击暂停按钮时,广告就会呈现。上星期,该公司推出了专为那些正在狂看三集或三集以上电视剧的人制造的广告,其间包括kellogg’s,maker’s mark和georgia-pacific的广告。本年,沃尔玛旗下的流媒体效能vudu在联接互联网的电视上启用了所谓的可购物广告。只需在遥控器上点击“添加到购物车”,顾客就可以将广告产品放入他们的walmart.com行列中。在该公司数字媒体播映器上的流媒体频道roku channel上,观众可以点击特定的广告,需求收到一封电子邮件或短信,晓得所展示产品的具体信息。

词汇:advertising innovation 广告立异 ? binge on 正本是狂吃狂喝,这儿说的是不断地刷剧

click on 点击 ?? on display 展示

[6] roku, which spent us $150 million this year buying software provider dataxu to help companies plan and buy ad campaigns, then shares insights about the

audience with the company behind the ad. “consumers are so much more empowered today to flip the dial, to change the channel, and many of the things they could switch to don’t have advertising at all,”?said mr scott rosenberg, a senior vice-president at roku. “it’s incumbent on platforms and apps that are ad-supported to work harder at how they put ads in front of the consumer.”?product placement is appealing to streaming services because it allows them to work with companies without interrupting a show with commercials. hulu, which comes in a low-cost ad-supported version and also has a commercial-free option for subscribers willing to pay more, said that so-called brand integrations on its platform have been far more effective than 30-second commercials at raising viewers’ interest in products.?roku本年斥资1.5亿美元收购了软件供给商dataxu,以协助公司策划和收购广告活动。该公司随后与广告不和的公司共享了对受众的观点。roku高档副总裁斯科特?罗森伯格(scott rosenberg)标明:“如今,花费者有了大得多的权力来拨动表盘、替换频道,他们可以切换的许多东西根柢没有广告。”“广告撑持的平台和使用有必要愈加尽力地将广告呈如今花费者面前。植入式广告对流媒体效能很有招引力,因为它可以让它们在不插播广告的情况下与公司协作。hulu推出了撑持广告的低本钱版别,也为情愿付出更多费用的订阅者供给了不含商业广告的选择。hulu说,在前进观众对产品的快乐喜爱方面,其平台上所谓的品牌联系要比30秒的广告有用得多。

词汇:empowered 公布权力的 ? be incumbent on … ……有责任,有必要实施

appeal to sb 对或人有招引力

句型:it’s incumbent on platforms and apps that are ad-supported to work harder at how they put ads in front of the consumer. 本句的骨干是it’s incumbent on platforms and apps …,标明是平台和使用程序的责任来做这件作业,之后都是从句,包括that引导的定语从句和how引导的宾语从句

hulu, which comes in a low-cost ad-supported version and also has a commercial-free option for subscribers willing to pay more, said that so-called brand integrations on its platform have been far more effective than 30-second commercials at raising viewers’ interest in products. 本句的骨干是hulu … said that …,标明hulu这一流媒体平台的观念,其他是which引导的定语从句以及that引导的宾语从句,其间宾语从句内部是比照规划

[7] some sceptics say virtual product placements based on viewer preferences may turn out to be one of those innovations that do not catch on. a few well-placed tv commercials and billboards are likely to reach the same number of people with less trouble, said mr joe maceda, an executive at media agency mindshare. “it’s hard to know if the juice is worth the squeeze,”?he added.?一些持置疑情绪的人认为,根据观众偏好的虚拟产品植入可所以一种无法盛行起来的立异。传媒机构mindshare的主管乔?马塞达标明,一些摆放恰当的电视广告和广告牌可以会以较少的费事触摸到相同多的人。他弥补说:“很难晓得这样做是不是值得。”

词汇:sceptic 置疑论者 ? viewer preference 观众偏好 ? catch on 盛行起来

the juice is worth the squeeze 原意是“果汁值不值得去榨”,引申为“这件作业值不值得去做”


1-3. 根据观众偏好设置的广告植入新方法鼓起

4-6. 流媒体平台和使用程序经过信息搜集进行广告立异

7. 置疑论者对此表象及其将来的观念????



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