

30. in this text, the author mainly discusses
[a] flawed ownership of america’s law firms and its causes.
[b] the factors that help make a successful lawyer in america.
[c] a problem in america’s legal profession and solutions to it.
[d] the role of undergraduate studies in america’s legal education.
factor [?f?kt?(r)] n.要素; 因子(fac做,制造+tor→促进人可以做的东西→要素,动力)
factory [?f?ktri] n.工厂,制造厂(fact=do ;-ory;)
benefactor [?ben?f?kt?(r)] n.捐助者; 施主; 恩人; (fact=do,make 标明)
legal [?li?ɡl] adj.法令的; 合法的;(leg=law;-al后缀)
illegal [??li:gl]??? adj.不合法的;违法的;违背规则的。(il-=in-=not)
undergraduate [??nd??ɡr?d?u?t] n.本科生;(under在……下+ground地)
graduate[?ɡr?d?ue?t] n.大学结业生; 结业生;研讨生
30. 在这篇文章中,作者首要谈论了______。
[a] 美国律师事务所一切权的缺陷及缘由
[b] 在美国变成一名成功律师的要素
[c] 美国律师作业的疑问及应对战略
今日用“加一”的办法,看看在题干中是不是现已泄露隐秘:26.当律师挣饯,27. 法令教育花饯多,28.法令体系想改难。串一下:律师也难,法令体系想改。[c] 美国律师作业的疑问及应对战略,可靠。不是easy,而是so easy。
26. a lot of students take up law as their profession due to
27. which of the following adds to the costs of legal education in most american states?
add to添加了,不该是学法令应花的钱。
28. hindrance to the reform of the legal system originates from
hindrance[?h?ndr?ns] n.阻止,阻止,我只知道:hind是后边的意思; hindrance在后边拽着,“阻止”。the reform of the legal system法令体系变革的,阐明法令体系有疑问需要改;在变革时有阻力。
originate from来自…, 源于…; 来历
orient[??:rient] 东方
emerge from:从…呈现;露出(疑问、定见等)=stem from=come from =drive from
29. the guild-like ownership structure is considered “restrictive” partly because it
restrictive [r??str?kt?v] adj.捆绑的; 限制的;
guild [ɡ?ld] n.行会,协会
30. in this text, the author mainly discusses
26. a lot of students take up law as their profession due to
[a] the growing demand from clients.
[b] the increasing pressure of inflation.
[c] the prospect of working in big firms.
[d] the attraction of financial rewards.
inflation [?n?fle??n] n.胀大; 通货胀大
26.?许多学生选择法令专业是因为_______。 [a]?客户不断增加的需要 [b]?通货胀大不断增加的压力 [c]?在大公司就任的期望 [d]?经济酬劳的招引力 【答案】d? 【考点】实际细节
【解析】根据题干要害词“students”和“take up law as their profession”,咱们可以灵敏定位到原文第二段第二句“the best lawyers made skyscrapers-full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into law schools.”?即律师界的高手们收入丰富,然后招引更多的学生进入法学院。tempting与attracting意思附近。
1、从细节上讲: take up law as their profession与该句中的 pile into law school相对应。很显着招引学生学法令的是money,即可直接得出正确答案为d。

2、从逻辑上:tempting ever more students to pile into law schools ;a tempt b to do sth. a 招引b,a 是因b是果。问b to do sth的缘由,当然是tempt前面的动作建议者skyscrapers-full of money。
【1段】①all around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession—with the possible exception of journalism. ②but there are few places where clients have more grounds for complaint than america.
generate [?d?en?re?t] vt.构成,构成
(hostility [h??st?l?ti] n.歹意,仇视状况;(-ile易于;拉丁语中hostis=enemy)
hospital? [?h?sp?tl]n.医院(谦让对待患者的当地)
have ground for=reason但have ground for偏重客观
complaint [k?m?ple?nt] n.诉苦
complain[k?m?ple?n] v.诉苦,发怨言;
【2段】①during the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legal services in america grew twice as fast as inflation. ②the best lawyers made skyscrapers-full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into law schools. ③but most law graduates never get a big-firm job. ④many of them instead become the kind of nuisance-lawsuit filer that makes the tort system a costly nightmare.
decades [?dekeidz] n.十年,十年间
economic crisis n.经济危机;
skyscraper [?ska?skre?p?(r)] n.摩天大楼,超高层大楼
pile into使)挤进,塞进
nuisance [?nju?sns] n.厌烦的东西(人,行为)费事事
file [fa?l]v(尤指在法庭)提起(诉讼),n.文件
filer [?fa?l?] n. 诉讼律师
tort n.<律>民事侵权行为;(来自twist被搓揉)
27. which of the following adds to the costs of legal education in most american states?
[a] higher tuition fees for undergraduate studies.
[b] pursuing a bachelor’s degree in another major.
[c] admissions approval from the bar association(律师协会).
[d] receiving training by professional associations.
在美国大大都州,下列哪一项添加了法令教育的本钱? [a]?本科期间学习高额的学费。 [b]?攻读其它专业的学士学位。 [c]?律师协会的入学答应。 [d]?承受作业协会的培训。 【答案】b?
【出题解密】根据题干疑问及要害词the costs of legal education.咱们可以回订亲位到第三段。原文“a four-year undergraduate degree in some unrelated subject, then a three-year law degree at one of 200 law schools authorized by the american bar association and an expensive preparation for the bar exam.”?即首要进行一些不相干学科的四年本科学位学习,然后在美国律师协会认可的200所法学院之一进行三年的法令学位学习,一起还要预备巨额的律师资历考试。④this leaves today’s average law-school graduate with $100,000 of debt on top of undergraduate debts。this指示代词是考点,on top of undergraduate debts,除了本科教育,还得付$100,000,一般本科是多付的。选项b. “pursuing a bachelor’s degree in another major”正是对原文中“a four-year undergraduate degree in some unrelated subject”的同义替换,故为正确答案。
【3段】①there are many reasons for this. ②one is the excessive costs of a legal education. ③there is just one path for a lawyer in most american states: a four-year undergraduate degree in some unrelated subject, then a three-year law degree at one of 200 law schools authorized by the american bar association and an expensive preparation for the bar exam. ④this leaves today’s average law-school graduate with $100,000 of debt on top of undergraduate debts. ⑤law-school debt means that they have to work fearsomely hard.
association [??s??si?e??n] n.? 协会,联盟; 联络; ( soci= companion,标明,)
be associated with
some一些; 某个(后接奇数,标明一个,接复数表一些。)
leave sb with sth 留给或人啥东西
on top of在…上边; 在…上方
28. hindrance to the reform of the legal system originates from
[a] non-professionals’ sharp criticism.
[b] lawyers’ and clients’ strong resistance.
[c] the rigid bodies governing the profession.
[d] the stern exam for would-be lawyers.
emerge from:从…呈现;露出(疑问、定见等)=stem from=come from =drive from
originate [??r?d??ne?t]v.发源;来自;发生:创始;创始
orient[??:rient] 东方
oriental [???ri?entl] adj.东方的; 东方人的
★resistance [r??z?st?ns] n.反抗; 阻力; 抗力; 电阻(re=back; sist=stand,标明) 28.?法令体系变革的阻力来历于_______。 [a]?非专业人士的尖利批判 [b]?律师和客户们的激烈对立 [c]?律师作业监管部分的呆板 [d]?关于准律师的严肃考试 【答案】c? 【精准定位】第四段②句指出:真实可行的方案早已具有,但各州作业打点机构过于保存不愿推广。可见,保存的州级打点部分阻止了变革,[c]正确。
【出题解密】正确项是对第四段②句的同义改写,其间rigid, bodies governing the profession别离对应too conservative bodies that govern the profession。
根据题干要害词“reform”进行回订亲位到原文第四段“reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers. sensible ideas have been around for a long time, but the state-level bodies that govern the profession have been too conservative to implement them.”?即这一体系变革有利于律师和他们的客户。变革的合理主张很早之前就已构成,可是担任律师作业的州一级打点部分过于保存而并未施行。选项c“律师作业监管部分的呆板”显着为正确答案。
退一步,but后边,有bodies、 govern与c中bodies governing有沾边。
【4段】①reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers. ②sensible ideas have been around for a long time, but the state-level bodies that govern the profession have been too conservative to implement them. ③one idea is to allow people to study law as an undergraduate degree. ④another is to let students sit for the bar after only two years of law school. ⑤if the bar exam is truly a stern enough test for a would-be lawyer, those who can sit(for) it (=the bar exam)earlier should be allowed to do so. ⑥students who do not need the extra training could cut their debt mountain by a third.
customer=client? n.顾客;
have been around许多存在,在完形中考过。
implement [??mpl?ment] vt.施行,实施(im使……+ple满;ple=full/fill)
sit for参加(考试等);平等attend、take
29. the guild-like ownership structure is considered “restrictive” partly because it
[a] prevents lawyers from gaining due profits.
[b] keeps lawyers from holding law-firm shares.
[c] aggravates the ethical situation in the trade.
[d] bans outsiders’ involvement in the profession.
[a]阻挡律师获得应有的获利。[b] 阻挡律师持有律师事务所股份。
[c]加剧了生意中的道德情况. [ d]阻止外来者参加作业。
【答案】d? 【考点】因果题 【精准定位】第五段②句说明①句所述概念“捆绑性一切权规划”:除了哥伦比亚特区,非律师身份的人不答应具有律师事务所的股份;④句也说到“将非律师身份者打扫在律师事务所之外”。可见,[ d]正确。
【出题解密】正确项是对第五段②句non- layers may not own any share of a law firm以及4句keeping outsiders out if a law firm的同义替换。
【解析】根据题干的要害词“restrictive”(捆绑性的)及专有名词the?guild-like ownership structure(同业公会一切权规划)。本段第一句the other reason why提出缘由,后边进行分析。答案定位在“but opponents of change among the regulators insist that keeping outsiders out of a law firm isolates lawyers from the pressure to make money①rather than”,其间要害是“isolates lawyers from the pressure to make money”( 使律师远离挣钱的压力)。
①rather than serve clients ethically.而非在道义上为客户效能。
isolate…from 与rather… than是两层否定标明必定:不让业外人士进入律所可以使律师远离挣钱的压力, 然后实真实在地为客户效能(而非在道义上为客户效能)。
【5段】①the other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business. ②except in the district of columbia, non-lawyers may not own any share of a law firm. ③this keeps fees high and innovation slow. ④there is pressure for change from within the profession, but opponents of change among the regulators insist that keeping outsiders out of a law firm isolates lawyers from the pressure to make money rather than serve clients ethically.
★★pressure [?pre??(r)] n.压(力); 压力; 气压(或血压)(press=press,标明-ure名词后缀)
regulator[?regjule?t?(r)] 校准者,(挂钟的)整时器,标准钟; 打点者,调整者
isolate from使与阻隔;使孤立 ;
ethically [
ethical [?eθ?kl] adj.道德学的; 道德的,
ethic [?eθ?k] n.道德标准
law firm [l?: f?:m] 法令事务所;
prevent from阻挡, 避免;
keep from隐秘; 阻挡;
isolate sth (from sth)使…孤立
involvement in使参加
aggravate[??gr?ve?t] vt.加剧,使恶化; 使动火(ag=to 表强凋;grav =heavy)
profession [pr??fe?n] n.作业,专业,作业。
【5段译文】本钱如此之高的另一个缘由是公司的捆绑性作业协会式的一切权规划.除非在哥伦比亚区, 非律师可以不具有律师事务所的任何股份,这将使费用增高并一起使立异速度变得缓慢。尽管在作业内部存在着改造的压力,可是打点者中对立改造的人坚持认为,不让业外人士进入律所可以使律师远离挣钱的压力, 而非在道义上为客户效能。
【6段】①in fact, allowing non-lawyers to own shares in law firms would reduce costs and improve services to customers, by encouraging law firms to use technology and to employ professional managers to focus on improving firms’ efficiency. ②after all, other countries, such as australia and britain, have started liberalizing their legal professions. ③america should follow.
leg =law,标明
allege [??led?] vt.断语,声称(all=to,leg=to speak)
legal [leɡ] adj.法令的; 合法的;
30. in this text, the author mainly discusses
[a] flawed ownership of america’s law firms and its causes.
[b] the factors that help make a successful lawyer in america.
[c] a problem in america’s legal profession and solutions to it.
[d] the role of undergraduate studies in america’s legal education.
30.?在这篇文章中,作者首要谈论了______。 [a]?美国律师事务所一切权的缺陷及缘由 [b]?在美国变成一名成功律师的要素 [c]?美国律师作业的疑问及应对战略 [d]?本科学习在美王法令教育中的作用 【答案】c? 【考点】主旨粗心 【解析】从文章全体规划来掌控主旨粗心。文章首要提出了美王法令作业的疑问:巨额的法令效能费用。接着具体深化地分析了发生这种表象的缘由,最终提出处置疑问的办法战略。所以只需理解掌控文章规划,就可以很简略得出这道题的正确答案为选项c“美国律师作业的疑问及应对战略”。 而选项a和d只是文中提及的细节信息,选项b文中并未提及有关信息。
1. inflation [?n?fle??n] n. 通货胀大;通胀率?
inflate [?n?fle?t]使充气(于轮胎、气球等); (使)胀大; (使)通货胀大; 物价上涨;
(in=into; flat=blow)
inflationary [?n?fle???nri]adj.通货膨的;致使通货胀大的
2. skyscraper [?ska?skre?p?(r)] n. 摩天大楼?
3. pile [pa?l] v. 蜂拥;拥堵?
4. nuisance [?nju?sns] n. <法令>不合法波折; 滋扰行为?
5. filer [?fa?l?(r)] n. (向法庭)提申述 讼者?
6. tort [t??t] n. <法令>侵权行为(不构成 刑事违法但可致使民事诉讼)?
7. nightmare [?na?tme?(r)] n. 可怕的阅历; 难以处置之事;噩梦
8. excessive [?k?ses?v] adj. 过火的;过度的; 过多的?
9. path [pɑ?θ] n. 行为方案;成功的途径?
10. undergraduate [??nd??ɡr?d?u?t] n. 本科生?
11. the american bar association:美国 律师协会。the bar:律师作业;律师界,法令界?
12. on top of:除……之外
13. body [?b?di] n. 集体,集体;机构?
14. conservative [k?n?s??v?t?v] adj. 保存的; 保守的?
词根:serv=serve/keep,标明 2. 坚持,保存
reservoir [?rez?vwɑ:(r)] n.水库,蓄水池
service [?s?:v?s] n.效能,服侍; 效能业
preserve [pr??z?:v] vt.维护; 坚持,保存
reserve [r??z?:v] vi.预定; n.贮藏; 维护区
形近词: conservation [?k?ns??ve??n] n.保存; 维护; 避免浪费
15. implement [??mpl?ment] v. 使收效;贯 彻;实施;施行?n.东西,器械; 家私;(im=in+ple满,填满+ment物)(在里边冲满的进程)(家里充溢的东西)
16. sit [s?t] v. 参加考试;应试(for)?
17. stern [st??n] adj. 严肃的;严苛的?
18. would-be [?w?d bi?] adj. 想要做…… 的;企图变成……的;将来的
19. sensible [?sens?bl] adj. 正确的;沉着 的;合理的;切合实践的?
20. around [??ra?nd] adv. 呈现;现有;可用
21. restrictive [r??str?kt?v] adj. 捆绑性的;约 束的?
22. guild [ɡ?ld] n. (作业)协会?
23. law firm:律师事务所?
24. innovation [??n??ve??n] n. 创造;立异;(nov=new,标明)
25. opponent [??p??n?nt] n. 对立者;阻挡者?
★oppose [??p??z] vt.& vi.对立,抵挡(op=ob对立;pose=put)(把石头掷向对方)
★oppose to sth. 对立某事
★opponent [??p??n?nt] n.对手; 对立者; 敌手; (op=ob对立;pose=put;-ent人)
26. outsider [?a?t?sa?d?(r)] n. (组织、行 业)外部的人?
27. isolate [?a?s?le?t] v. [~ … from …] (使)阻隔,孤立,脱离?(i=in+sol单独+ate表动词→使……孤立)
28. ethically [?eθ?kli] adv. 符合道德地



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