

2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 85
americans spend mor

e on fast food than they do on higher education, pcs or new cars—worrying, when a single meal at a kfc of less than a pound-weight of food plus a large pepsi can top 1,600 calories, not far short of the daily intake recommended by the government for adults doing only “light physical activity”.
【规划分析】破折号前面是比照级规划more…than…,worrying是描述词对前面的总结,when引导状语从句,主语是a single meal of …. plus….,谓语是can top,1600 calories是宾语。后边是描述词规划作定语,recommended by the government for adults是后置定语润饰the daily intake, doing only “light physical activity”是分词规划润饰adults。
short of 短少,达不到
2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 86
when princeton, the university of virginia, and harvard announced last fall that they would drop their early admission options because they gave an unfair advantage to affluent students, many college counselors held their breath.
?[规划分析]前面是由when引导的时刻状语从句其间主语是princeton,the university of virginia and harvard三者并排。announced后边是that引导的是宾语从句,该从句有一个由because引导的缘由状语从句说明撤消降低的缘由。
hold one’s breath感到严峻
[语句译文] 普林斯顿大学、弗吉尼亚大学和哈佛大学上一年秋天宣告将撤消提前入学选择,因为这是给殷实学生的一种不公正的优待,许多大学参谋都严峻了起来。
hold one’s breath感到严峻
[语句译文] 普林斯顿大学、弗吉尼亚大学和哈佛大学上一年秋天宣告将撤消提前入学选择,因为这是给殷实学生的一种不公正的优待,许多大学参谋都严峻了起来。
2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 87
at rensselaer polytechnic institute in troy, n.y., for example, faculty and staff can log concerns about academic problems or behavioral issues on a website, which is monitored by an intervention team of representatives from the deans office, faculty, housing staff, campus police, and counseling center.
[规划分析] 句首是介词短语做状语,语句的主体是faculty and staff can log concerns … on a website…,后边which引导的非限制性定语从句润饰前面的website,谓语是被逼语态。
????? monitor 监控
????? intervention 干与
counseling center征询中心
[语句译文] 比方,在纽约州特罗伊的rensselaer工学院,全体教职职工可以将学术和行为疑问放在网站上,该网站由院长单位、教职职工、住所职工、学校差人和征询中心的代表构成的干与小组来监控。
2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 88
it’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.
figure out核算出
2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 89
some of the biggest venture capital firms are raising large funds, targeting more established companies, and increasingly setting their sights abroad. (business week)
【规划分析】?本句规划清楚,主句为some of the biggest venture capital firms are raising large funds,两个如今分词规划targeting more established companies和increasingly setting their sights abroad由and并排,作全句的伴随状语。
venture capital风险本钱
established companies平稳的公司
2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 90
as employers prosper, workers have consistently gained a proportionate slice of the spoils — a stark contrast to the united states and britain, where wages have stagnated even while corporate profits have soared.
【要点词汇】proportionate adj. 成比例的;相等的(等于proportional)
spoil n. 成功的趁便优点;战利品? v. 损坏,浪费;溺爱
stark adj. (比照)显着的;(选择、陈述等)严肃的,令人不快的
stagnate v. 阻滞; 不打开
soar v. (数量、价值、水平、规划等)急升,猛涨;遨游
【句型解析】本句骨干为workers have gained a proportionate slice of the spoils。破折号后对前边语句内容进行说明阐明,where引导定语从句润饰前边的the united states and britain,从句中又包括由while引导的时刻状语从句。
2023考研英语长难句每日一句 @考研英语屠皓民
day 91
all of that money pouring in to california’s tech and entertainment industries produces a big wealth effect, ballooning what the state’s workers can spend — and not just those who work directly in those fields.
【要点词汇】pour v. 涌入
balloon n. 气球 v. (使)猛增,(使)大高低增加
【句型解析】本句骨干为all of that money produces a big wealth effect。pouring in to california’s tech and entertainment industries为money的后置定语。ballooning what the state’s workers can spend为分词作状语,what引导的从句做ballooning的宾语。破折号的内容对前文内容进行弥补阐明。



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