

grammar-translation method (语法翻译法)definition: the gt method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which was uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.界说:语法翻译法是在外语或二语教育中将翻译和语法学习作为首要的教育活动和学习活动。the principal characteristics of grammar-translation method1.the goal of grammar translation is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study.(分析:read its literature-评价时

捉住前进学生阅览才能或打开学生阅览才能)2.reading and writing are the major focus,little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening.(分析:已然reading and writing are focus,那么紧跟第一点,评价上可以说改进或许前进写作水平,一起关于speaking and listening 的不注重又可以从不和分析这个教育法的缺陷)3.words are taught through bilingual word lists (双语单词表),dictionary study,memorisation.4.vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used.(第三点和第四点都可以从利益方面分析,例如,扩展学生单词词量,可以晓得一些笼统单词)5.the sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice.(分析:从sentence 下手,答题时可以说学习到难以了解的语句,对阅览文学有协助)6.accuracy is emphasized.7.grammar is taught deductively.(分析:注重语法,推进语法学习,可是无视口语练习)8.the students’ native language is the medium of instruction.(答题时,捉住过火依靠母语这一特征)小结:先熟练背熟概念和特征,从所列的特征里找出会致使的缺陷,和对推进利益的一方面,作为答题的评价模版。



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