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21 答案 b remodel the way of thinking.

解析:此题是文中人物观念题。根据cortina定位到第二段前三句。cortina认为尽早触摸核算机科学是有利的。第三句it’s not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students. 译为在改动思维程序方面成人不像年纪较大的学生相同困难,即b remodel the way of thinking 改动思维方法即为同义替换。

22 答案 d interest

解析:此题是细节题。根据要害词friedman定位到第四段第二句but之后引号里边内容“咱们企图让课程契合学生快乐喜爱”,故而d interest为正确答案。

23 答案 a help students learn other computer languages

解析:文中人物观念题。题干问的是deborah seehorn认为在flatiron这儿所学到的技能将能怎么样,据此定位到第五段but处,和题干根柢共同,该句指出“but the skills they learn…appl to any coding language”,意思是他们学到的技能可以使用于任何编码言语。比照答案选项,a选项的意思是“协助学生学习其他的核算机言语”归于原订亲位处的同义替换。

24 答案 c become better prepared for the digitalized world

解析:细节题。题干指出:根据最终一段,flatiron的学生被期望去干啥。据此定位到最终一段的these kids are going to be处,是题干的同义复现。定位句“these kids are…be surrounded by computers for the rest of their lives. the younger they learn how computers think…….the better.”,意思是学生们越早学越好。c选项“为数字化的将来做非常好的预备”是同义概述。

25 答案 b persuade

解析:词义句意题,联系上下文来解题。根据coax此单词,定位到最终一段最终一句“how to coax the machine into producing what they want”,查询固定分配“persuade…into…”。a选项应战,b选项劝服,c选项使惊惧,d选项误导。考生做题时必定要留心联系上下文来估测生词的词义,这是出题人的出题 规则。

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26 答案 a its drastically decreased population

解析:此题是缘由细节题。根据要害词定位到第一段but前后关于lesser prairie chickens 数量2million和22,000的激烈比照。此外第二段第二句“the lesser prairie chicken is in a desperate situation”都可以得知a its drastically decreased population 数量的急剧降低为正确答案。

27 答案 c granted less federal regulatory powers

解析:此题是缘由细节题。根据要害词定位到第二段第四句,they had …, a state that gives federal officials greater regulatory power. 而but 之后是截然相反的实际,即政府公布了更少的打点权。故而c granted less federal regulatory powers为正确答案。

28 答案 a agree to pay a sum for compensation

解析:揣度题。题干问的是从第三段推出来:无意损伤的那些人是不会被检举的假定怎么样。根据题干定位到第三段首句“it would not prosecute….as long as ….”,题干中问的if即原文的as long as的附和替换,原文as long as的意思是:只需他们签署了方案。下一句说道,该方案需求个别和公司去付出基金。对应选项a选项“附和付出抵偿”归于同义替换。

29 答案 d the states

解析:此题是细节题。根据要害词定位到第三段最终一句the idea is to let the“states”remain in the driver’s seat for managing the species, ashe said. 其间in the driver’s seat对应题干中的the leading role, 故而d states为正确答案。

30 答案 c environmental groups

解析:文中人物观念题。题干问的是jay lininger最可以撑持谁,大写人名定位到末段最终一句。最终一句说到:生物学家jay lininger说道联邦政府要把责任推给致使鸟类灭绝的公司,显着是对政府和公司的对立。再往前看一句,指出:公司集体和政府部分观念共同,环境学家与其观念恰巧共同。因而,jay lininger最撑持环境集体的观念了。

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31 答案 d what deep reading requires cannot be guaranteed.

解析:因果细节题。题干指出:传统的时刻打点办法不起作用的缘由是啥。根据题干定位到第二段首句指出the usual time-management techniques don’t seem sufficient,是题干的同义替换,但要找缘由。整段都在分析进程环节,究竟缘由必定在该段末句说到。直接定位到该段末句,指出深化阅览不只需要时刻,而且是一种只是经过有用无法获得的一种时刻。联系选项d,深化阅览所需的无法得到保证,是原文末句的同义替换。

32 答案 b make passing time fulfilling

解析:题干问的是“empty bottles”暗喻证明晰我们在做啥方面有压力,empty bottles直接可以在文中gary eberle所说的话中找到:“the future comes at us like empty bottles…”。其所说的话证明的意图必定是为了阐明前一句的观念。因而,该题定位到三段“try to slot…but not the most fulfilling kind”,该句就指出:只会处置方针会集的阅览,这是有用的,但不是最有满足感的。联系选项b使消逝的时刻更有满足感,是原文的同义替换。

33 答案 d achieve immersive reading

解析:文中人物观念题,留心区别文中人物观念和作者观念。题干问的是eberle附和为阅览设定规则性时刻协助啥。根据题干精断定位到第四段第二句:“you’d think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, e…..into soul time”,意思是你会认为这可以前进功率性思维设定,但实践上这些行为协助咱们跨入到魂灵阅览时刻。对应选项d,获得深化阅览,归于同义替换。

34 答案 a reading becomes your primary business of the day

解析:细节题。题干指出:老是带一本书会起作用假定怎么样。根据题干定位到末段中心有些“carry a book with you at all times can actually work, too … so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business.”,意思是这样的话阅览就变成默许状况,偶尔会出来打点作业(留心business并非默许状况,非首要作业)。对应选项a 阅览变成每天的首要使命,是该句的同义替换。

35 答案 b how to find time to read


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36 答案 b having a family with children

解析:此题是细节题。根据要害词定位到第二段第一句across generational lines,…including getting married, having children…即成功的标志包括成婚生子,故而正确选项是b having a family with children.

37 答案 c attach importance to pre-marital finance

解析:此题是细节题。根据要害词定位到第三段第一句young people…to agree that couples should be financially secure before getting married or having children…即年青人认为夫妻在成婚前或许生成人前大约在经济上是平稳的,故而c attach importance to pre-marital finance为正确答案。

38 答案 d reach almost all aspects of american life

解析:此题是细节题。根据要害词定位到第四段第一句…those just starting…will increasingly spread through virtually all aspects …即这些等待即将渗透到美国日子的各个方面,故而d reach almost all aspects of american life为正确答案。

39 答案 d getting established is harder for the young

解析:此题是文中人物观念题。根据要害词定位到第五段第一句…it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations. 即与年长者比较,现如今的年青人坚持生计愈加困难,故而d getting established is harder for the young为正确答案。

40 答案 c his parents’ good life has little to do with a college degree.

解析:此题是正误判别题。根据要害词定位到第六段第五句looking back…his parents could provide a comfortable life for the children even though neither had completed college when he was young.即父母即便没有上过大学但照常可认为孩子供给舒畅的日子,故而his parents’ good life has little to do with a college






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