


英文写作能力是测试英文学习者的试金石。而对于练习汉译英的同学来说,能否翻译出地道的英文取决于其英文写作水平的高低。同学们可以通过练习英文写作提高英文翻译水平。今天高译教育和大家分享的是自由专栏作家kenneth waldman的建议,希望这些小tips对大家有用!

1. practice writing in english every day

you should try to write in english every day. repetition (doing the same thing over and over again) will really help you learn the skill of writing. writing in english will be difficult at first, but if you write a little every day, it will start to get easier.

2. find the best time to write

everyone has a best time of day to write. maybe your head is the clearest in the morning. maybe you’re a “night owl,” (someone who likes to stay up late) and you are most creative at midnight. try writing at different times of the day to find out what time works best for you.

3. have a specific place you keep your writing

find a notebook to keep all of your writing in. by keeping it all in one place, you will be able to look back on your writing and see how much progress you’ve made. you will also be able to go through all of your writing at once to see if you keep making the same mistakes.

4. pick a topic and write

when you’re ready to start, choose a topic and then just start writing about it. if your topic is“fishing,” for example, it doesn’t matter if you write facts about fishing or a story about when you went fishing. just start writing anything at all! let your mind wander on the topic. set a timer for 5 minutes and write the entire time. once you get used to this, write for 10 minutes at a time.

5. keep a journal in english

by keeping a personal journal (diary) in english, you will make sure you write every day. it is a great way to practice writing multiple tenses. you will write in the past tense about all of the things you did during the day, and you will write in the future tense about the things you are planning to do tomorrow, for example.

when you know that you will write in your journal every day, you will probably start to think in english more often during the day. that’s because as you do things, you might think about how to write about them in english.

6. write more than one draft

the first draft (copy) that you write is not going to be perfect. write one draft, and then go back and review it for mistakes. remember the notebook where you’re keeping all your writing? when you look for mistakes, you should make a list of your common mistakes in that notebook. then, when you edit your first draft, check for your most common mistakes.

7. have a friend edit your writing

since you most likely won’t find all of your mistakes, have a friend who is fluent in english edit your writing. having someone else look at your work will improve your writing and give you new, creative ideas for how to express ideas in english. they can edit the whole document or just a part that you’re having trouble with.

it’s good to get a second opinion on your writing. if you don’t know anyone who can edit your writing, use lang-8. lang-8 is a community of native speakers who will edit your writing for free.


keep an english dictionary with you

when you hear or see a new word, look it up in your dictionary. say the word a few times and write it down. say it until it sounds familiar to your ear. the next time you write, try to write at least one sentence with each new word. when you find words that you really like or that seem important, highlight them in the dictionary (it’s okay—it’s your dictionary).

if you don’t want to keep a physical dictionary with you all the time, you can use online dictionaries like merriam webster or dictionary.com. you can also use one of these dictionary apps for your smartphone.

9. learn synonyms and antonyms

whenever you look up a new vocabulary word in english, try to learn at least one word with the same meaning (this is a synonym), and one that has the opposite meaning (this is an antonym). for example, take the word “great.”synonyms include “excellent” and “fantastic,” while antonyms are “plain,” “ordinary” and “bad.”by learning more than one word for each concept, you will be able to communicate better with native speakers when you write.

10. make flashcards

when you look up new words, their synonyms and their antonyms, make flashcards for them. on one side of the flashcard, write the word. on the other side, write the meaning, part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) and a sentence using that word. review these flashcards often, and try to use the words in your own writing as often as possible.

11. read english books out loud

as i said earlier, reading and writing are connected, so reading more often in english will help you become a better writer. start out with simple books. write down any words that are new to you, and practice saying them. work your way up to books like “harry potter” or “the hunger games.” these books are written for young adults and older adults, but the language is still quite simple.

get a library card to access thousands of free books from your local library. you can also join websites like audible and listen to any book you’d like. your first book is free with audible. after that, you will have to pay a small price for each book.返回搜狐,查看更多




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