






考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常回答起来却是很有艺术的。吴老师特意总结了历年面试中英语口语的经典问题,希望对考生复习有所 助。



1.what can you tell me aboutyourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)


in high school i was involvedin competitive sports and i always tried to improve in each sport iparticipated in. as a college student, i worked in a clothing store part-timeand found that i could sell things easily. the sale was important,but for me,itwas even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. it wasnot long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for meto help them. i’m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.






2.what would you like to bedoing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


i hope to do my best i can beat my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager,iam planning on that also.






3. what is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


i feel that my strongestasset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. i feel a real sense ofaccomplishment when i finish a job and it turns out just as i’d planned. i’veset some high goals for myself. for example,i want to graduate with highestdistinction. and even though i had a slow start in my freshman year, i made upfor it by doing an honor’s thesis.






4. what is your greatestweakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


i’m such a perfectionist thati will not stop until a job is well done.






5. how do you feel about yourprogress to date?(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)


i think i did well in school.in fact,in a number of courses i received the highest exam scores in the class.as an intern for the x company, i received some of the highest evaluations thathad been given in years.






6.why did you choose pekinguniversity?


7.why did you choose mba?


8.what would you like to bedoing five years after graduation?


9.what has been your greatestaccomplishment?


10.describe your greateststrengths and weaknesses.


11.what have you learned fromthe jobs you have held?




12.describe the best/worstteam of which you have been a member.


13.tell me about a time whenyour course load was heaviest. how did you get all of your work done?


14.give me a specific exampleof a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.


15.tell me about a time whenyou were creative in solving a problem.


16.describe a time when yougot co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.


17.tell me about a time whenyou made a bad decision.




18.what kinds of people doyou find it difficult to work with?


19.what are some of thethings you find difficult to do?


20.how would you evaluate meas an interviewer?


21.what interests you leastabout mba?


22.how do you handlerejection?


23.what is the worst thingyou have heard about our school?


24.see this pen i’m holding.sell it to me.




25.a chain of grocery storescurrently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. each store dealsindependently with its suppliers. the president of the chain is wonderingwhether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. what are the keyconsiderations in making this decision?


a magazine publisher istrying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individualdistribution outlet in order to maximize profits. she has extensive historicalsales volume data for each of the outlets. how should she determine deliveryquantities?




26.it is the 15th century.how do convince the pope that the earth is round?


27.if i gave you an elephant,where would you hide it?


28.why are soda cans taperedon the top and bottom?


29.how much ram does a pcneed to run windows95?


30.you are in a boat on afresh water lake. in your hand is a rock. you throw the rock into the lake. howis the lake’s water level affected?


31.if it rained music, whatwould grow?


32.describe your best friendand what he or she does for a living.


33.in what ways are yousimilar or different from your best friend?


34.what are your career’sstrengths and how do you capitalize on them?


35.are you a happy person?


36.according to jrm.jr, afast growing software company asked this question?? you have a wealthy aunt whoweighs 300 pounds. tell me how you would redesign her toilet.




37.would you please make abrief introduction about yourself?


38.why did you take the mbaexamination? would you please say something about the currently mba program inchina?


39.why do you choose renminuniversity to study mba?tell me a little about renmin university form yourunderstanding.


40.how do the people aroundyou review mba?


41.what’s the differencebetween mba program at home and abroad?


42.if you failed this timewhat will you do in the near future?


43.why do you want to be apart of mba students?


44.why do you think you arequalified for mba program?


45.do you have a career planin 5 years?


46.do you have a study planif you were accepted as a mba student?


47.what’s your opinion aboutthe requirement that a mba student must have working experience?


48.how do you definemarketing or management?


49.do you think english isquite important in mba study?why?


50.do you think mba trainingcourses will help you a lot in your future life? why?


51.what do you want to doafter your mba study?


52.what is the most importantqualification that a mba student should have?


53.say a little aboutteamwork.


54.say a little aboutmanagement.


55.how communication works inorganizations?


56.tell me the relationshipbetween the management and management theory.


57.what will you do if youcan’t find a job?


58.do you think that theeconomy will get better?


59.who are you currentlyemployed with?


60.what kinds ofopportunities are you looking for?


61.what is your biggestaccomplishment on the job?


62.what joy did you enjoy themost and why?


63.what would your formerboss say about you?


64.why did you leave yourlast job?


65.please tell me a littleabout your working history?what kind of fields?


66.say a little about youreducational background.


67.what are your strengthsand weakness?


68.what do you do in yourspare time?


69.what is your impression ofbeijing?


70.what is cfo? if you were acfo,what would you do?


71.what is the differencebetween sales and marketing?


72.what do you think is themost important as a manager?


73.what changes do youanticipate in our school?


74.which is the best coursein our school?


75.does our school providesome guidance of job to mba?


最后可以说:thankyou for giving me the chance. i hope to see you again and soon.














老师问:canyou briefly introduce yourself and give me some reasons for why you choice ouruniversity?


答:first,let me introduce myself to you. (又补iam glad to meet you) my name is xxx. i come from taiyuan, the capital of shanxiprovince. i have been studying in the forestry department of shanxiagricultural university since 2001. i am open-minded, quick in thought and veryfond of history. in my spare time, i have broad interests like all the otheryoung people, frequently i communicate with other people by making comments inthe forum on line. i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless hekeeps on learning.


the university is one of themost famous universities in the shenyang province, it has massive academicallyenvironment. it develops into a comprehensive university with efforts ofgenerations, more and more people focus on it. at the time, it takes the leadamong the universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability.there are teaching research experimental bases, for example, the computercenter, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on.moreover, it owns many well-known professors. i am interested in all. so i hopei can enter this university. that’s all, thank you for your question.
































①专业课老师与英语老师组成一个复试团队,面试过程中专业课老师用汉语向学生提和本专业的问题,而英语老师用英文提问和考生本专业相关的问题:例如:could you give me a comment on industrial revolution and tell me what impact ithad on the world ?


②由于现在高校老师的整体素质提高,复试中由专业老师直接用英行提问。couldyou talk about the existed hydraulic engineering facilities in your hometown ?


整场考试的内容可能包括:自我介绍(self- introduction); 问答( question & answer);讨论(discussion on …);图片描述及评论(description & comment); 朗读(reading );一般以前两种形式为主,当然也可能同时包含以上其中的两种或两种以上。






自我介绍应包含开场白,如goodmorning/afternoon. i am very glad (pleased/happy)/it is my great pleasure to behere for this interview. …或firstly, i would like to express my thanks for all of you to give me thischance/opportunity to present myself. well, … 开场白的存在是一种礼仪,也是引起话题的有效途径,所以不能省略。


除了开场白,最重要的是向导师说明你的个人情况,包括:中英文姓名,专业,毕业院校。如myname is …and i graduated from the college of …in …university.my major is…或ihave got the bachelor degree in …(major)from the university of…in (year),也可以是ihave been studying …(专业名)in the university of …now my undergraduate learning life is ending and i will get the bachelor degreein this june or may be july. 这里有一个注意点,请同学们一定要了解所学专业,所在本科院校的英文名字,避免不会说的尴尬。










wheredo you come from?


whatkind of landscape surrounds your hometown?


tellme something about the customs of your hometown.


howdo you like it? why?




couldyou tell us something about your family?


whatdoes your family usually do for the weekend?




whatimpressed you most when you were at university?


whichkind of professor do you like best?


whatis the best university in your opinion?


couldyou describe the teacher who influence you most ?


inyour opinion, what is the most serious problem associated with modern life?




whydo you choose to study at our institute/university?


whydo you choose this major?


whydo you change your major? (特别是跨专业考生)




whatare your plans in the postgraduate study?


whatare your plans after graduation ?


whatwould you like to be doing within five years after graduation?


shouldyou study more theory or do more practice? give your reasons, please.






youknow what i think? i think that…


thepoint is…


wouldn’tyou say that…


i’djust like to say that i think…


i’dlike to point out that…




couldyou tell me some more about…


couldyou mind telling me more about…


i’dlike to know more about…


somethingelse i was wondering about was…


somethingelse i’ d like to know is…


sorryto keep after you, but could you tell me…




yes,that’s true, but…


i’mnot sure if i agree.


well.you have a point there, but…


maybe,but don’t you think that…




that’sa good point.


greatminds think alike.


iam very agree with you in this point.


此外还有图片描述及评论(description& comment)和朗读(reading );前者的注意事项为:不要仅仅拘泥于图画中的内容,尽量拓展和开阔思维,在对图画进行描述后,应该对其中所反映的问题进行评价和阐述,发表客观的看法。后者的训练方式为提前找几篇和自己专业相关的英文原版文章,最好是找有音频的,跟读。因为这种口语考试考的就是发音。






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