

原文标题:how useful is fear?


part 1
i ①franklin d. roosevelt no doubt meant to besoothingwhen he insisted, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” ②a quick and terrifying tour through the academic literature on fear, though, reveals just how much heavy lifting that only was doing.

ii ①our fears run broad and deep, and areevery bitas diverse as we are. ②the 2021 version of chapman university’s survey of american fearstabbed“corruption of government officials” as the most common fear,afflictingnearly 75 percent of respondents; concerns about the health-care system, the environment, personal finance, and war also figured in the top 10. ③suchspine-tinglingtriggers as public speaking andenclosedspaces landed in the bottom half of the 80 fears polled; clowns were slightly more scary than zombies, who were only slightly more scary than ghosts.

iii ①one reason we struggle with fear is that we’re simultaneously tooprimitiveand too evolvedfor our own good. ②our lizard brains are ruthlessly efficient: signalsspeed tothe threat-sensingamygdalawithin 74 milliseconds of the slightest hint of danger. ③this speed has, overeons, helped save us from extinction. ④but it’s also led to plenty of false alarms.

iv ①part of the problem is that ourforebears’oldest fears are still with us. ②even babies exhibit afight-or-flightresponseto pictures of snakes and spiders,presumablyas a result of instinct rather than experience. ③deep-seatedaversionslike these are strong enough to distort our sense of reality: people witharachnophobiaare likely to overestimate the size of spiders relative to other organisms. ④such ancestral sensitivities may also account fortrypophobia, the fear of closely clustered circles (such as pores in sponges or bubbles in coffee)—which, according to one study, may affect up to 16 percent of the population. ⑤research by two groups of psychologists in the u.k. proposes that small circles’ resemblance to parasites and to distinctive patterns on poisonous animals may be enough to trigger thisatavisticresponse.

v ①our higher consciousness is supposed to help ussort outthese threats, but at times it seems more committed tospinning outanxious what-ifs aboutimperiledloved ones and unattended stoves. ②an entire body of risk-perception research has detailed just how bad we are at figuring out which dangers are worth worrying about. ③we tend to overestimate the threat of dying by lightning, flood, or murder, while underestimating the much more immediate threats posed by asthma, stroke, and diabetes, among other unsexyhazards.

vi ①in the wake of9/11, airplane ridershipplummetedin the united states as many people opted to travel by car. ②a german psychologist estimated that in the 12 months following the attacks, 1,595 more people were killed in car accidents than would be expected in an ordinary year. ③that’s more than six times the number of passengers (246) who died on the four hijacked airplanes. ④at its worst, then, fear can backfire, bringing about the very outcome we were afraid of in the first place.

vii ①so in the end, we have to face an undeniable butdiscomfitingfact: the only thing we have to fear is corruption, clowns, diabetes, tiny coffee bubbles, unintended consequences … and fear itself.

part 2
1.*soothing /’su?e??/ a. 劝慰的;宽慰人心的
2.every bit 完全;自始至终
3.*tab /t?b/ v. 给…贴标签
4.*afflict /?’fl?kt/ v. 浪费;使苦楚
5.spine-tingling a. 致使惊惧的;致使振奋的
6.enclosed /?n?kl??zd/ a. 与世阻隔的
7.primitive /’pr?m?t?v/ a. 初始的
8.for one’s own good 对或人有利
9.speed to 快速驶向
10.*amygdala /?’m?gd?l?/ n. 杏仁核
11.*eon /’i??n/ n. 永世;许多的年代
12.forebear /’f??be?/ n. 祖先;祖先
13.fight-or-flight response 战争或出逃反应
14.presumably /pr?’zju?m?bl?/ adv. 大约;估测起来
15.*aversion /?’v???(?)n/ n. 厌烦
16.*arachnophobia n. 蜘蛛惊骇症
17.*trypophobia n. 密布惊骇症
18.*atavistic /,?t?’v?st?k/ a. 隔代遗传的;返祖表象的
19.sort out 收拾;选择出
20.spin out 消磨;推迟时刻
21.*imperil /?m’per?l/ v. 危及;使陷于风险
22.hazard /’h?z?d/ n. 风险
23.in the wake of 跟着…而来
24.*plummet /’pl?m?t/ v.(价格、水对等)突然下跌
25.*discomfit /d?s’k?mf?t/ v. 波折,打乱

part 3
i ①franklin d. roosevelt no doubt meant to besoothingwhen he insisted, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” ②a quick and terrifying tour through the academic literature on fear, though, reveals just how much heavy lifting that only was doing.

ii ①our fears run broad and deep, and areevery bitas diverse as we are. ②the 2021 version of chapman university’s survey of american fearstabbed“corruption of government officials” as the most common fear,afflictingnearly 75 percent of respondents; concerns about the health-care system, the environment, personal finance, and war also figured in the top 10. ③suchspine-tinglingtriggers as public speaking andenclosedspaces landed in the bottom half of the 80 fears polled; clowns were slightly more scary than zombies, who were only slightly more scary than ghosts.

iii ①one reason we struggle with fear is that we’re simultaneously tooprimitiveand too evolvedfor our own good. ②our lizard brains are ruthlessly efficient: signalsspeed tothe threat-sensingamygdalawithin 74 milliseconds of the slightest hint of danger. ③this speed has, overeons, helped save us from extinction. ④but it’s also led to plenty of false alarms.
注释:lizard brain 蜥蜴脑。蜥蜴脑是人脑中掌管与理性思考无关的有些,也被科学研讨证明是掌控天性的陈旧有些。

iv ①part of the problem is that ourforebears’oldest fears are still with us. ②even babies exhibit afight-or-flightresponseto pictures of snakes and spiders,presumablyas a result of instinct rather than experience. ③deep-seatedaversionslike these are strong enough to distort our sense of reality: people witharachnophobiaare likely to overestimate the size of spiders relative to other organisms. ④such ancestral sensitivities may also account fortrypophobia, the fear of closely clustered circles (such as pores in sponges or bubbles in coffee)—which, according to one study, may affect up to 16 percent of the population. ⑤research by two groups of psychologists in the u.k. proposes that small circles’ resemblance to parasites and to distinctive patterns on poisonous animals may be enough to trigger thisatavisticresponse.
注释:fight-or-flight response:战争或出逃反应。当咱们的感官察觉到某种事物可以会对咱们构成挟制时,大脑便会激活一系列身体反应,让咱们奋起抵挡,或是赶忙逃脱。这种反应常见于哺乳动物身上,称为“战争或出逃反应”。其间,惊骇是由大脑颞叶中一处名叫杏仁核的规划进行调度的。当严峻的心境激活了杏仁核之后,杏仁核便会让你暂时无法做出清醒的思考,好让身体集结起悉数能量、应对挟制,让大脑的悉数留心力都放在了“战争或出逃 ”上。

v ①our higher consciousness is supposed to help ussort outthese threats, but at times it seems more committed tospinning outanxious what-ifs aboutimperiledloved ones and unattended stoves. ②an entire body of risk-perception research has detailed just how bad we are at figuring out which dangers are worth worrying about. ③we tend to overestimate the threat of dying by lightning, flood, or murder, while underestimating the much more immediate threats posed by asthma, stroke, and diabetes, among other unsexyhazards.

vi ①in the wake of9/11, airplane ridershipplummetedin the united states as many people opted to travel by car. ②a german psychologist estimated that in the 12 months following the attacks, 1,595 more people were killed in car accidents than would be expected in an ordinary year. ③that’s more than six times the number of passengers (246) who died on the four hijacked airplanes. ④at its worst, then, fear can backfire, bringing about the very outcome we were afraid of in the first place.
点评:段vi举例阐明咱们对风险短少区分力。①②③经过911后我们选择乘轿车旅行致使去世人数添加这一作业,阐明咱们对风险短少区分力。④总结指出短少理性判另外惊骇并不能 咱们避免风险,甚至有可以适得其反。

vii ①so in the end, we have to face an undeniable butdiscomfitingfact: the only thing we have to fear is corruption, clowns, diabetes, tiny cof

fee bubbles, unintended consequences … and fear itself.






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