
…ted演讲_西南大学攻略_less怎么样_米的积木怎么样_考研英语…(ted演讲 中国官网)

“tell me what’s feminine about feminism.”there might be something, on average, different about female brains from male brains that makes us more attentive to deeply complex social relationships and mor

e attentive to taking care of the vulnerable.so whereas the fathers were extremely attentive to figuring out how to protect individuals from the state, it’s possible that if we injected more mothers into this concept, what we would have is more of a concept of, not just how to protect, but how to care for each other. and maybe that’s where we need to go in the future, when we take democracy beyond anatomy, is to think less about the individual body, in terms of the identity, and to think about more about those relationships.so that as we the people try to create more perfect union, we’re thinking about what we do for each other.



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