

基础英语的标题较为繁琐一点,比照难具体回想起来,但true or false和gap filling七选五的标题直接换成了问答题和填词题。
阅览题还触及到“智能轿车的道德疑问”,“南北战争时期美国护士的作业打开”,“饮食安康”等论题, 简答题需要用120词支配答复是不是撑持作者观念。
写作才能中的gap filling填词题分值说到了40分,20个空,但每个空只需要填一个单词,不需要填短语或语句,文章内容与“新闻/报纸是不是会被网络替代(newspaper in the 21st ce

ntury)”有关,连续了写作出题个性关于“现代社会人文与科技打开极不一样步”的隐忧(一起也是humanities & social sciences 中常见social criticism的子题)。
诗歌鉴赏的标题是美国20世纪最重要的现代诗人之一wallace stevens的the plain sense of things:
the plain sense of things
by wallace stevens
after the leaves have fallen, we return
to a plain sense of things. it is as if
we had come to an end of the imagination,
inanimate in an inert savoir.
it is difficult even to choose the adjective
for this blank cold, this sadness without cause.
the great structure has become a minor house.
no turban walks across the lessened floors.
the greenhouse never so badly needed paint.
the chimney is fifty years old and slants to one side.
a fantastic effort has failed, a repetition
in a repetitiousness of men and flies.
yet the absence of the imagination had
itself to be imagined. the great pond,
the plain sense of it, without reflections, leaves,
mud, water like dirty glass, expressing silence
of a sort, silence of a rat come out to see,
the great pond and its waste of the lilies, all this
had to be imagined as an inevitable knowledge,
required, as a necessity requires.
the poem uses a variety of images to describe a period that occurs annually during which one’s imagination is in a slump. while it might seem desolate and as though nothing is ever going to change, it is, in fact, a necessary part of the creative process. one must go through these periods, ‘the plain sense of things’ says, in order to move on.
‘the plain sense of things’?by?wallace stevens?is a thoughtful and well-loved poem about creativity and imagination.
the poem starts out with the?speakernoting the time when one returns to the “plain sense of things.” it’s after the colorful fall leaves are gone, and one’s left with the barren time between autumn and winter. there, the speaker notes, all imagination seems to die. one is left with a silence that feels impenetrable and entirely uncreative.?
but, this period in which everything seems raw and uninteresting is also a time to reset and reconsider one’s work. it is incredibly necessary to continue the creative process.?
detailed analysis?
stanza one?
after the leaves have fallen, we return
inanimate in an inert savoir.
in the first?stanza?of?‘the plain sense of things,’?the speaker begins by describing how “we,” human beings, come back to a “plain sense of things” once autumn has come. this suggests that during the prior summer months, things are different. when this period comes around, the “imagination” feels as though it’s at an end. this is the first clear reference to creativity, and specifically writing, that one can find in this piece. as it progresses, these?allusions?are going to become more obvious.?
stanzas two and three
it is difficult even to choose the adjective
no turban walks across the lessened floors.
the greenhouse never so badly needed paint.
in a repetitiousness of men and flies.
in the second stanza, the speaker notes how during this period, it’s “even difficult to choose the adjective” to describe it. it is a “sadness without cause.” it makes one’s mind shrink up, and the imagination collapses.?
the period inspires the speaker to consider their surroundings and use them as?symbols?for the lost feeling he suffers as creativity declines. it feels as though everything has failed during these creative slumps. he’s left with the broken down and slanted remnants of previous efforts.?
stanzas four?and five
yet the absence of the imagination had
itself to be imagined. the great pond,
the plain sense of it, without reflections, leaves,
required, as a necessity requires.
in the fourth stanza, the speaker notes that the “absence of the imagination / had itself to be imagined.” there is a purpose to this “absence.” it wasn’t just a negative. it expresses, like a dirty pond, “silence.” its “water like dirty glass” is without reflection or sound. it’s compared in the fifth stanza to the “silence of a rat come out to see.”?
the dirty pond is not without merits; it’s filled with “lilies,” all of which had to be imagined, the speaker says, “as an inevitable knowledge.” it is required that one have these periods of imaginative distance so that one may succeed creatively in times to come.?
structure and form?
‘the plain sense of things’?by wallace stevens is a five-stanza poem that is divided into?quatrains?or sets of four lines. these lines are written in?free verse. this means that the poem does not follow a specific?rhyme scheme?or metrical pattern. this is quite common with contemporary?verse, but it doesn’t mean that the poem is entirely without?rhyme?or?rhythm. for example, readers should note the use of half-rhymes with “flies” and “side” in stanza two. this is one of a few instances.?
literary devices?
throughout this poem, the poet uses a variety of literary techniques. these include but are not limited to:?



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