

??这儿是 武汉学校大学考试部出品的





卷一:?a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a local farm organized by your student union.

卷二:?a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a hope elementary school organized by your student union.

卷三: a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your student union to visit the elderly people in the neighborhood.





内容上,新闻报导类写作一般包括标题、中心句和主体三个有些。标题需求:1. 写名词性规划 2. 简练、归纳、夺目。中心句需求:位于最初的第一段或第一句,需求扼要叙说报导的中心内容如时刻、地址、人物。主体有些需求具体描绘作业发生的具体细节。结语有些一般位于最终一句或最终一段,一般是全文内容的总结或扼要谈论。







a volunteer?activity to attend to the elderly people


20 students took part in the volunteer activity held by the student union to the nursing room in hope of attending to the elderly people in the neighborhood on june 1st.

at 8 o’clock, the volunteers arrived at the nursing home along with the presents which were properly prepared in advance. they were warmly welcomed and cordially received by the elderly people.?as soon as?they got to the nursing room, they were divided into 5 groups to have a thorough clean and careful inspect of the rooms.?at the same time,?they had a chat with each elderly people, learned their daily stories and paid attention to their inner needs.?then,?a live show was also put in order to amuse the elderly, who were so happy and impressed that some of them expressed deep regret when the volunteers parted from them.

even though a short visit and a brief solicitude for the elderly was far from ample to ease their sense of lonely, it was every volunteers’ sincere hope that more attention should be devoted to and company should be provided for them.

写作有些答案解析来自: 武汉学校大学考试部唐永芳教师



conversation one





1.?hi, emma. i’m paul from delivery service. here is a package for you. are you at home to collect it?

2.?oh sorry, paul. i am out of the moment.

3.?they are not, unfortunately. i’m sorry. i won’t be in the area tomorrow. as i have some other deliveries to make on the other side of the town.

4.?so you just need to sign on the form to say you perceive it.

question?8.?why?is the man making the phone call?

question 9. why can’t the woman meet the man today?

question 10. why is the man unable to see the woman tomorrow?

question 11. what should the woman do to receive her purchase?




conversation two





12.?hi, emily. i hear?you?are leaving for italy soon.

13.?i’m feeling sad, actually. i am currently sitting alone at the table outside the black cat café, listening to the rain and walking people passing by.

14.?i am sorry. i can’t just now. i need to get this assignment finished by monday, and i am way behind.

15.?ok. i will try to?come?to the airport on saturday to see you off. i will give you a call that morning no matter what.

question?12.?what is the woman going to do?

question 13. how does the woman feel at the moment?

question 14. why can’t the man meet the woman now?

question 15. what will the man possibly do on saturday?





听力有些答案解析来自: 武汉学校大学考试部李梦婷教师





26-30 gmalc, 31-35 njoie


26. 空格前是描述词marine,海洋的,空格可断定为名词。沉船是为了维护海洋____, 契合上下辞意思的名词为g. habitats, 歇息地,居住地。故此题为g,habitats 歇息地。

27. 空格前是be动词was, 后边是介词of, 空格断定为adj. 或v.-ed,契合的有exterior外部的, depressed沮丧的, stripped被剥去的,根据句意,中空的a300大约是被“剥去”了任何对环境有害的物品,故此题为m, stripped,剥去。

28. 根据not only 可知此处动词要有些倒装,前面有了will,则空格断定为动词原型,根据句意,沉船___完满的骨头,故此题为a,create, 发生。

29. 空格前后为名词plane飞机,空格后为名词词组长54米,空格可断定为动词,根据主语plane可知,此处为动词单三,答案为l. stretches,扩展。

30. 空格前后连起来是will be able to,不缺成分,空格断定为缺润饰动词的副词,根据句意,scuba drivers will?eventually??be able to…,答案为c. eventually究竟地。

31. 空格前是the plane’s, 飞机的,空格断定为名词, around the plane’s?territory?,此题为n. territory,领域,规模。

32. 空格前为代词that,空格断定为名词,根据句意,期望看到___的酬谢,a return on thatinvestment,答案为j,investment,出资。

33. 空格前为定冠词the,空格断定为名词,根据句意,国家现已变成近几年惊骇突击的___, has been the?victim?of several deadly terrorist attacks. 答案为o, victim,牺牲品。

34. 空格后为描述词sunk下沉的,空格断定为副词,副词可润饰描述词,根据句意,the largestintentionally?sunk aircraft, 答案为i, intentionally, 有意地,成心肠。

35. 此题为并排规划,taking …and ___, 故空格断定为v.ing,and?exploring?the inside of …, 答案为e, exploring,探究。




26-30 hagdi, 31-35 njebk

26. h. it has?migrated?from…

27. a. in a?bid?to take …

28. g. lawmakers have introduced?legislation?that could…

29. d. michigan’s?dominance?in auto research…

30. i. which desire to?replace?our leadership

31. n. the lead?sponsor?of four bills…

32. j. they would?represent?a substantial…

33. e. set up on-demand?fleets?of self-driving cars

34. b. in?contrast

35. k. far more?restrictive?rules that…



resilience is about how you recharge, not how you endure

36. d. research has found that there is a direct correlation between lack or recovery and increased incidence of health and safety problems.

37. j. our brains need a rest as much as our bodies do.

38. l. take all of your paid time off, …but raise your productivity and likelihood of promotion.

39. a. we can do when one of us gets on a plane, …then boarding the plane.

40. e. and just because work stops, it doesn’t mean we are recovering.

41. k. …by using technology to control overworking.

42. i. that’s because rest and recovery are not the same thing.

43. b. the problem comes from a misconception of what it means to be resilient…

44. g. the misconception is resilience is often bred from an early age. …what a distortion of resilience!

45. b. more resilient and determined in our work so we can accomplish…



passage one:

46. c. cover the walls of an old house with graffiti.

47. d. they are mostly passers-by.

48. b. they expressed their thoughts in graffiti on the theme of each session.

49. d. it is an open area for tourists to enjoy themselves year around.

50. d. it has created some meaningful artistic works.


passage tow

51. a. patients may not be able to carry them through for effective cure.

52. c. their easy and inexpensive access by patients.

53. a. the combination of traditional cbt and computerized cbt is

most effective.

54. b. their effectiveness should not be overestimated.

55. d. human interaction.

阅览有些答案解析来自: 武汉学校大学考试部江帆教师








paper-cutting is a unique form of chinese folk art, with a history of more than 2000 years. paper-cutting probably originated from the han dynasty after the invention of paper. since then, it has gained popularity in many parts of china. the materials and tools for paper-cutting are simple: paper and scissors. paper-cutting works are usually made of red paper, because red is associated with happiness in traditional chinese culture. therefore, red paper cutting is the top choice for decoration of doors and windows in weddings, the spring festival and other festive occasions.



1. 剪纸是我国民间艺术的一种一起方法,已有2000多年前史。

paper-cutting is a unique form of chinese folk art, with a history of more than 2000 years.

本句查询主系表句型,可先译出骨干“剪纸是一种一起方法”,“我国民间艺术”是名词充当定语需运用“of”,后半分句中的“有…年前史”用“with a history”即可,可是要留心“2000多年”也是名词充当定语润饰运用“of”。


2. 剪纸很可以源于汉代,继纸张创造之后。

paper-cutting probably originated from the han dynasty after the invention of paper.

本句查询“源于”译为“originate from”,其次根据“汉代”晓得时态应为曩昔时,“继…之后”就是“在…之后”运用介词after,留心“创造”应为名词或动名词方法,以及“paper”做“纸张”时为不可以数名词。


3. 从此,它在我国的许多当地得到了广泛。

since then, it has gained popularity in many parts of china.

本句根据时刻“从此”可运用如今结束时,谓语有些“得到广泛”译成“become popular”或“gain popularity”均可。


4. 剪纸用的材料和东西很简略:纸和剪刀。

the materials and tools for paper-cutting are simple: paper and scissors.



5. 剪纸作品一般是用红纸做成的,因为赤色在我国传统文明中与夸姣相联。

paper-cutting works are usually made of red paper, because red is associated with happiness in traditional chinese culture.

本句谓语为“用…做成”运用短语“be made of sth.”,后半分句中查询动词短语“与…相联”译为“be associated with”或“be related to/with”均可,“夸姣”需要运用名词。


6. 因而,在婚礼、新年等喜庆场合,赤颜色的剪纸是门窗装饰的首选。

therefore, red paper cutting is the top choice for decoration of doors and windows in weddings, the spring festival and other festive occasions.

本句前半分句为地址状语可放至句尾,先处置骨干“赤颜色的剪纸是首选”,三个地址并排译出即可,“喜庆场合”可译为“festive occasion”。


翻译有些答案解析来自: 武汉学校大学考试部刘娟教师















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