
沈阳药科大学研讨生导师简介-杨鹏 – 沈阳药科大学教师导师 – Free…(沈阳药科大学研讨间预约)

导师简介导师名字杨鹏性别男出世年月1976年8月导师品种硕导研讨方向1)g4-dna 靶标的抗肿瘤药物研讨;2)分子荧光辨认、检测疾病靶点研讨;3)有机小分子与生物大分子辨认、拼装效应在药物方案、组成及传输中的使用。联络电话**职称/院士副教授e-mailyangpeng@syphu.edu.cn导师学位博士学院(作业单位)制药工程学院信箱(地址)沈阳药科大学24号信箱;110016杨鹏简介:1999年结业于抚顺石油学院,获学士学位;2002年于该校获硕士学位;2006年于大连理工大学获博士学位;2006 – 2007年法国国家生命与安康研讨院生物物理所博士后;2007 – 2009年加拿大萨省大学化学系博士后;2009 – 2010年,美国新奥尔良大学化学系博士后;2011年 – 至今,沈阳药科大学作业。自攻读博士学位以来,一向从事药物化学、化学生物学的有关研讨。曾先后在 angewandte chemie-international edition, european journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, international journal of nanomedicine, tetrahedron, bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, journal of photochemistry and photobiology, current drug delivery 等世界刊物上共宣告学术论文20余篇,获我国专利一项。作为担任人承担的科研项目: 国家天然科学基金(青年基金)、辽宁省天然科学基金、辽宁省高校超卓青年专家生长方案等。curriculum vitae(英文简历):educational background (教育及科研阅历):2011 – now: associate professor, principle investigator, shenyang pharmaceutical university2009 – 2010: postdoctor fellow, university of new orleans, new orleans, la, usa, supervisor: prof. bruce c. gibb2007 – 2009: postdoctor fellow, university of saskatchewan, saskatoon, sk, canada, supervisor: prof. ronald e. verrall2006 – 2007: postdoctor researcher. the project was accomplished at two collaborative labs:1) laboratoire de biophysique, inserm, paris, france, supervisor: prof. jean-louis mergny2) laboratoire de chimie des interactions moléculaires ( jean-marie lehn’s lab) – collège de france, paris, france: supervisor: dr. marie-paule teulade-fichou2002 – 2006: ph.d., dalian university of technology, dalian, china, supervisor: prof xuhong qian1999 – 2002: m.s. fushun petroleum institute, fushun, china, supervisor: prof. kejian liao1995 – 1999: b.s. fushun petroleum institute, fushun, chinarepresentative publications(代表论文):1) randeep kaur, jackson m chitanda, deborah michel, jason maley, ferenc borondics, peng yang, ronald e verrall, ildiko badea*, international journal of nanomedicine, 2012, 7, 3851- 38662) deborah michel, jackson m. chitanda, réka balogh, peng yang, jagbir singh, umashankar das, anas el-aneed, jonathan dimmock, ronald verrall, ildiko badea*. european journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, 2012, 81, 548 – 5563) jagbir singh, peng yang, ronald e. verrall, ildiko badea*, current drug delivery,2011, 8(3), 299-3064) peng yang, jagbir singh, shawn wettig, marianna foldvari, ronald e. verrall, ildiko badea*, european journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, 2010, 75(3), 311- 3205) peng yang, anne de cian, marie-paule teulade-fichou,* jean-louis mergny,* david monchaud, angewandte chemie-international edition, 2009, 48(27), 2188 – 21916) david monchaud, peng yang, laurent lacroix, marie-paule teulade-fichou and jean-louis mergny*, angewandte chemie-international edition, 2008, 47(26), 4858 – 48617) qing yang*, peng yang, xuhong qian*, lianpeng tong, bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 2008, 18(23), 6210 – 6213 8) peng yang, qing yang, xuhong qian*, lianpeng tong, xiaolian li, journal of photochemistry and photobiology b, 2006, 84(3), 221- 2269) peng yang, qing yang and xuhong qian*, tetrahedron, 2005, 61(50), 11895 – 1190110) peng yang, qing yang, xuhong qian,* and jingnan cui, bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 2005, 13, 5909- 591411) qian xuhong*, yang peng, china patent: zl **4.6conference papers(世界会谈论文):1) jagbir singh, peng yang, ronald verrall*, ildiko badea*, design and development of a new family of self-assembling gene delivery nanoparticles using cationic amino acid substituted gemini surfactants, 13th canadian society for pharmaceutical sciences annual meeting, vancouver, canada, 2010, june 2-52) jean-louis mergny*, aurore guédin, phong lan thao tran, patrizia alberti, laurent lacroix, julien gros, sébastien lyonnais, chantal trentesaux, lionel guittat, anne de cian, peng yang, david monchaud, marie-paule teulade-fichou and jean-fran?ois riou, g-quadruplexes: sequence effects and recognition by small ligands, 2nd international meeting on quadruplex dna, louisville, ky, usa, 2009, april 18-213) anne de cian, julien gros, peng yang, samir amrane, patrizia alberti, lionel guittat, anne bourdoncle, laurent lacroix, jean-fran?ois riou and jean-louis mergny*, stability, kinetics and recognition of dna quadruplexes, first international meeting on quadruplex dna, louisville, ky, usa, 2007, april 21-244) jean-louis mergny*, peng yang, julien gros, anne decian, patrizia alberti, laurent lacroix, quadruplex-based dna nanostructures and nanodevices, 4th annual conference on foundations of nanoscience: self-assembled architectures an

d devices (fnano07), snowbird, usa, 2007, april 18-21current research interests(研讨快乐喜爱与方向):1) to explore cell-permeable small molecules for in vivo recognition and visual detection of g-quadruplexes dna and, to design the antitumor lead compounds on this basis.2) to explore water-soluble deep cavitands’ (cyclodextrin/resorcinarene) self-assembly property for chemical drugs vectors.3) to explore surfactants-like molecule for the carrier of gene/chemical drugs’ delivery.



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