


(2)mitigate /’mitigeit/【mitig缓和;-ate动词后缀;使有…;使有缓和→】使减轻,使镇静

??? disasters can be, if not prevented, at least mitigated.

??? 灾难,即使预防不了,至少也可减轻一些。

(3)mitigatedly /’mitigeitidli/【mitigat(e)使缓和;-ed后缀,…的;-ly副词后缀,…地;缓和地→】减轻地,镇静地

??? i mitigatedly persuaded her to go to the movies.

??? 我和缓地劝她去看电影。

(4)mitigation /,miti’gei??n/【mitigat(e)使缓和;-ion名词后缀,表动作、过程等→】缓和,和缓,减轻

???? the cure, prevention, or mitigation of disease are the duties of the doctors.疾病的治疗、预防或减轻是医生的责任。

(5)mitigative /’mitig?tiv/【mitigat(e)使缓和;-ive形容词后缀,倾向…的;倾向缓和的→缓和的→】和缓的,和解的an air of being a trifle apologetic, and this mitigative, tentative quality shows in their stance.


(6)mitigator /’mitigeit?/【mitigat(e)使缓和;-or名词后缀,表动作执行者;缓和者→】减轻者aspirin is a wonderful mitigator for fever.阿斯匹灵是减轻发热病的良药。

(7)unmitigable /?n’mitig?bl/【un-=not不;mitigable可缓和的;不可缓和的→】不可减轻的

???? a modern war is a unmitigable catastrophe.

???? 近代战争乃一大不可减轻的灾难。

(8)unmitigated /?n’mitigeitid/【un-=not不;mitigat(e)使缓和;-ed…的;不使缓和的→未被减轻的→】明显不过的you must think that the public is just a bunch of?

unmitigated suckers.你一定认为公众只不过是一群傻瓜。


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?电话:13791759992? 徐老师? 微博:华訫英语????



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