
2021考研英语文章阅读 杀死一只知更鸟第10章-3

经典名句-英文:Maybe if we didn’t give them so much to talk about they’d bequiet.



“Miss Maudie, this is an old neighborhood, ain’t it?”

I went to the back yard and found Jem plugging away at a tin can, whichseemedstupid with all the bluejays around. I returned to the front yard andbusied myself for twohours erecting a complicated breastworks at the side of theporch, consisting of a tire,an orange crate, the laundry

hamper, the porchchairs, and a small U.S. flag Jem gaveme from a popcorn box.


When Atticus came home to dinner he found me crouched down aiming acrossthestreet. “What are you shooting at?”


“Miss Maudie’s rear end.”

Atticus turned and saw my generous target bending over her bushes. Hepushed hishat to the back of his head and crossed the street. “Maudie,” hecalled, “I thought I’dbetter warn you. You’re in considerable peril.”

Miss Maudie straightened up and looked toward me. She said, “Atticus, youare adevil from hell.”




When Atticus returned he told me to break camp. “Don’t you ever let mecatch youpointing that gun at anybody again,” he said.

I wished my father was a devil from hell. I sounded out Calpurnia on thesubject. “Mr.

Finch? Why, he can do lots of things.”

“Like what?” I asked.





Jem underlined it when he asked Atticus if he was going out for theMethodists andAtticus said he’d break his neck if he did, he was just too oldfor that sort of thing. TheMethodists were trying to pay off their churchmortgage, and had challenged theBaptists to a game of touch football. Everybodyin town’s father was playing, it seemed,except Atticus. Jem said he didn’t evenwant to go, but he was unable to

resist footballin any form, and he stoodgloomily on the sidelines with Atticus and me watching CecilJacobs’s father maketouchdowns for the Baptists.




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